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Secret to Novak and Elena's Wimbledon Successes!

At Wimbledon this year, we have 2 great champions in Novak Djokovic and Elena Rybakina who managed to keep their cool amidst the pressure of playing on such a big stage for the first time and playing against an opponent who could quite possibly put you off your game.

How many of us have felt the pressure of playing a club or tournament match and felt overly nervous, fearful and full of self-doubt? How many of us have been distracted by our opponents? – with thoughts such as ‘They hit the ball so much better than I do’ or, ‘they’re really annoying, they just get everything back’ or, ‘I never play well against them’..

In attempting to gain some control over these situations, how many of us have found ourselves, over-thinking, over-trying, and being self-critical of our efforts, resulting in negative feelings such as anger, frustration, fear and stress.

Elena and Novak were both able to stay cool, calm and collected for most of the match and most importantly in the big moments. In contrast, both of their opponents seemed to be suffering from some kind of mental interference. Ons Jabeur admitted in her press conference to trying too hard and rushing at the start of the 2nd set, and Nick Krygios was seen to be visibly upset and angry at various times during the match.

Being able to stay cool, calm and collected is not just a skill that great champions possess. We all have the potential to master this Inner Skill, a skill which Tim Gallwey, author of the Inner Game of Tennis refers to as ‘Relaxed Concentration and describes it as the mother skill of all high performance.

Relaxed concentration just like any other skill to learn requires practice and commitment. However, and particularly in tennis, it is a neglected skill and yet one which can bring you such great results in both your Outer Game, i.e., winning more matches, achieving the results you desire, and developing more effective technique, and in your Inner Game i.e., being able to remain calm under pressure, focused and enjoying your experience.

The team at Mindful Winners have developed a Live and Online Inner Game of Tennis for Players course, which is aimed at helping you learn, within 6 weeks:

  • How to play with more freedom, more joy, and play better tennis
  • How to focus and silence the inner critic – the one that wants to be in control of YOU!  This inner dialogue can be particularly strong in moments that are important to you, such as competitions, when you might have feelings of self-doubt or be overly nervous
  • That there is a far more powerful system at work that only comes to the fore, when this inner critic is silenced, allowing the body to perform at its best –
  • How to access the ZONE more often

For more information please click here…. Courses | Mindful Winners

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